Basic Math Skills to Review for the GMAT

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The four sections of the GMAT namely: Analytical Writing Assessment (AWA), Integrated Reasoning (IR), Quantitative Aptitude (QA) and Verbal Reasoning (VR); and among all, the quantitative is considered to be highest scoring section. On an average, if a candidate is able to score in between  50-51 in it leads to hit the 700+ GMAT quant score and covers up the gap of a less score secured in VR.

Certainly, there are vast number of GMAT test-takers for whom quant is not less than a nightmare. The long word problems demand extensive thought process for its solving within stipulated time may break down in cold sweat.To excel in quant you need to lay a strong foundation of basics. It enables to grasp the problem quickly and requires less time to solve. GMAT quant revolves around the three topics:

Review for the GMAT 1

  • Arithmetic
  • Algebra
  • Geometry

Let’s discuss what the constituents of these topics are:

  • Arithmetic

It includes the basic mathematical topics like Integers, Prime Number, Units Digit, Tens Digit, Hundreds Digit, Ratio, Percentage, Mean, Median, And Standard Deviation. To solve these kind of questions you should be impeccable in quick addition, subtraction, division and multiplications. Brush up these; it will pay you back in GMAT test. We have solved one arithmetic question for your easy understanding.

Question: H, I, J, K and L are playing a game of cards. So, H says I that if you give me three of your cards then you will have exact numbers of cards that L has, but if I give you three of my cards then your number of cards will be equal to that of K.The combined number of cards of H and I is 10 more than that of the total cards K and L have. If it is given that I have 2 more cards compared to J and the total number of cards they are playing with is 137, then how many cards H and J have?

Solution: According to question,

  • I – 3 = L …………. (1)
  • And I + 3 = K ………….. (2)
  • H + I = K + L + 10 ……… (3)
  • I = J + 2 ……………………. (4)
  • H+ I + J + K + L = 137 …….. (5)

From equation (1) and (2);

  • 2 I = L + K ………….. (6)

From equations (3) and (4),

  • H = I + 10 ………….. (7)

Using the values of equation (4), (6), (7) in equation (5) yields,

I + 10 + I + I + 2 + 2 I = 137

5 I + 12 = 137

5 I = 125

I = 25

So, number of cards H has = I + 10 = 35

Numbers of cards in J’s possession = I – 2 = 25 – 2 = 23

  • Algebra

Algebraic equations are fundamentals of the GMAT. Questions often integrate one or more variables.

Question: There are two examinations rooms P and Q. Suppose, if 10 students are sent from P to Q, then the number of students in both the room will be equal. Though, if 20 candidates are sent from Q to P, then the number of students in P becomes double of the number of students in Q. So what is the number of students in P and Q?

  1. 100, 160
  2. 100, 80
  3. 80, 100
  4. 160, 100

Solution: Let the number of students in room P and Q is p and q respectively.

Then according to question, p – 10 = q + 10

  • p – q = 20 …………………….. (1)
  • And p + 20 = 2 (q – 20)
  • p – 2q = – 60 ………………….. (2)

Subtracting (1) and (2),

  • q = 80
  • Putting value of q in equation (1)
  • p = 20 + q
  • p = 20 +80
  • p = 100

Hence the right option is B.

(iii) Geometry

Don’t fall in the trap of highly complex geometrical figures. Start your GMAT geometry prep with lines, angles, polygons and coordinate planes on a regular basis. Slowly and gradually increase the questions difficulty level.

Review for the GMAT 2

Question: If each side of a rectangle is increased by 30%, then what will be the percentage increase in the area of that rectangle?

Solution: Let the original length of the rectangle is a meters and breadth is b meters

So, original area = (ab) meters2.

New Length = () meters = ()

New Breadth = () meters = ()

New area = ()() = () meters2

Difference between new and original area = () –

  • Difference = meters2
  • So, percentage increase =
  • Increase = 69 %

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