How to Begin a New Maths Topic in Class?

Although teaching Maths requires a lot of effort by teachers, sometimes introducing the students with a new topic is more challenging. Teachers have to gain the interest of the class and should make sure that every student is getting equal attention. Seldom they also get bored of learning and it is difficult to grab their attention. But the fact is, the more students are excited about the topic, the more frequently they learn. Thus, it is the responsibility of teachers to make Maths an exciting subject. Here are some tips which could help to teach Maths.

Do Analysis

Whenever you start with a new topic, make sure you have done enough research and self-learning before teaching in a class. There are various branches of Mathematics where a lot of research is needed. Be prepared for all types of questions that could arise from students. You should be confident enough to answer them.

Give More Examples

After you have given theoretical knowledge of the topic, solve some examples in front of them, explaining the concept in a more profound way. It will help them to answer more questions based on the topic.

Ask Them to Practice more Questions

Once you have explained the topic thoroughly with examples, it’s time for them to practice now. Maths is a subject which could be understood,  only if we do it. Give them different types of questions to solve. It could help to build their confidence for a particular topic.

Introduce some real-world applications

If you are explaining a Maths topic, which has uses in real-world, relate them while teaching in the class. This way, the student will find the subject more exciting and understand it easily. Like the concept of number system is used for counting, to know the position of an object and also used to name the object, for example, the number mentioned in a car or two-wheeler.

Use Creativity   

There are many activities a teacher can use to teach students. They can use Maths projects, models and sometimes technologies such as videos or graphic pictures, to explain some concepts. This practice will not only make students understand the topic easily, but they could also grow their imagination power.