Is Your Literary Work Unconstructed?

Informes de lectura

You wrote it, thus that is why it happened. You have probably revised your narrative a thousand times, added and removed numerous scenes, and altered the structure numerous times in an effort to make it work better. As a result, you have likely lost perspective. You require an outside, unbiased perspective on your narrative. You require a professional to complete your Informes de lectura. Our reports cover every aspect of your work, including the narrative (theme and its development, if the structure is sound, if the tone and dramatic tension are appropriate, if the narrator is sufficient, if the characters are credible and develop as they should, if the ending could be improved, if you fully utilise the story…), the literary (if the sentences are well-constructed, if your writing is clear, if the prose is appealing and stimulating, if it helps to further the plot, The goal is to give you a fresh viewpoint on your work.

Types Of Reports which are offered:

You select the modality that most appeals to you. We advise that you specify in your request the number of pages your manuscript has in Times New Roman font or a comparable size 12 and line spacing 1.5 since the cost of this service and the length of the report will depend on how long the document is to be appraised. We’ll be in touch with you to provide a quote. Additionally, as soon as you hire the service, your tutor will let you know how your reading is going and help you pick a due date for the report.

Para qué sirve un informe de lectura profesional? | Vuelo Ártico

Report in video:

This report was given orally. It takes place over a video call that you can record if you’d like. In other words, it provides a live interchange of viewpoints that the written report does not allow, while retaining all of its qualities. This modality also enables the teacher to communicate with you so that you can ask him any questions that his comments provoke.

Written Report :

You will receive a five-page report in writing through email within the predetermined time frame. This report won’t let you communicate with our experts like the previous modality did, but it does have the advantage that you may use it as support when submitting your work to publishers and representation firms. Keep conflict at the centre of your narrative at all costs.