
How to Help Your Child Prepare for Higher Secondary School Certificate Examinations

Estimated read time 3 min read

If your child is preparing for HSC (Higher Secondary School Certificate) final exam, you need to be with him throughout the journey. Your child needs to understand the importance of good study routine as a practice for the final examinations. Here’s how you can help your child:

Consider tutors

Learning is fun if it is with HSC Tutors. Tutors can provide in-depth instructions for your child in the pursuit of greater knowledge in a specific subject. The tutors are selected to suit the needs of your child, which will make learning easy and successful.

Establish a routine

Aside from considering chemistry and physics castle hill tutor, you can help your child establish a study routine. It is recommended to set aside a specific time every day for study. You can help your child by ensuring that he sticks to the routine.

chemistry and physics castle hill

Create a study environment

The study environment can influence your child’s learning experience. As a parent, you need to ensure that the study environment fosters productivity. This means that the child should be away from interruptions and household bustle. It is crucial that you ensure lighting and ventilation are enough. It does not end there because the chair should be comfortable and the desk should be appropriate.

Set timetable

You can help you kid set a timetable. The timetable will serve as the child’s guide to cover all the subjects in an organised way. The timetable should not be too overwhelming otherwise your child will start to feel exhausted and unproductive before the final examination.

Prepare healthy foods

You need to look after whatever your child is consuming. Start by reminding him to drink plenty of water. You need to prepare healthy foods as well. Do not feed with sugary foods. Aside from eating healthy foods, you need to ensure that he gets enough to sleep every night. The recommended sleep every night is eight to ten hours.

Think about rewards and recognition

Your child will respond to appreciation you expressed. If you give rewards, your child will see that you value his work. With this, your child’s satisfaction and productivity will rise. The reward does not mean money or something expensive. It can be allowing your child to play a sport that he is interested in or walking to the park.

Suggest variety

You should suggest variety in your child’s study program to keep him interested. You can do this by encouraging him to study different subjects every day.

Take part in quizzes or practice tests

You can also take part in mini quizzes or practice tests. You should make draft questions from books or other assessments that you can find. The result will help you and your child understand the areas for improvement.

Encourage asking for help

More importantly, you need to stress the importance of asking for help. If your child needs help, he should not hesitate to ask. Support is available whether from the teachers to friends.

There are other smart ways that you can help your child study. At the end of the day, you need to be patient and supportive.


How to Make the Best JEE Notes Possible

JEE Notes: AsJEE Mainand Advanced approach, we hope you are geared up for it. You know, when the time is very close, all that’s going to come handy to you during revision are the notes that you make along the way. You can’t possibly go through every little theory or strategy from every topic. This is why you need highlights, summaries, important pointers, formula lists, and tips and tricks. This article is going to focus on how to make the best possible JEE Notes:

Best JEE Notes Possible

Advantages of making JEE Notes:

  • Quick revision: Every time you are just done with a concept, you do a quick revision to collect all that you learned. You must have jotted down the useful formulae. the tips and tricks to remember, the highlights of a topic. These pointers are what you use in your quick revision.
  • Big revision: After you are done with JEE preparation, you will need to revise the entire set of topics in each subject. This a huge chunk to revise and we often get lost into the theory of a topic before we realize it was supposed to be a revision that went wasted on one topic only. So in order for you to not get stuck, you need to revise only the main points that your JEE Notes consist of.
  • You grasp your topic better when you make your own notes. This re-iterates what you have learned so far. Writing your own notes is not just good for your revisions, it is great for you to understand the topic well. Also, these are personalized exactly for you. Every child’s understanding of a topic is different and hence, your own introspection for you fits perfectly.

So, how do you make JEE Notes?

  1. Use visuals:Human mind tends to remember pictorial information better than any other form. That is why video and images content works better on social media. It is just easier to consume, isn’t it? So, use this amazing way of sticking things in your mind. Make a mind map, draw and represent a few things. Clean the clutter with your mind map organization.
  2. Don’t scribble all the way in your practice books and theory books.While some reminders or notes or highlights are definitely helpful, making the whole book a mess that you might be able to relate to or read right away but when you do need these notes for revision, it will be hard to read and might even surprise you how you can’t read a thing. Simplify things. Use a separate notes book for JEE Notes. It is convenient and has no space crunch. You can clearly write, draw, whatever you like in it.
  3. What and how exactly should you note?The concepts and sentences that stick with you the most, should be the ones you note down. There are these crisp sentences that give you the whole concept. If you just look at that sentence again, you will remember the whole concept in your revision. Occasionally, some notes are better when read in the form of a question.
    Sometimes there is a specific usage of a concept that you understand best when used in a question. Haven’t we all been there when we understand a topic fully after reading the question and answer of it. That aha moment creator of a question will stick with you. You should use headings, sub-headings, and possibly different colors to strike toy your brain receptors better.
  4. Solving previous year question papers:These is after you have studied and practiced and now are into solving old JEE papers to a get a complete grasp of your speed and accuracy in the exam. After you are done solving, you will compare it with their respective JEE Main answer key. This is where you will realize the concepts you missed or habitually ignore. Make sure to jot these down in your JEE Notes. These are the ones you want to work on to perfect your skills for JEE.
  5. Subject-wise notes:The periodic table should go up your wall on day 1 itself. Chemistry will have numerical and equations. Re-installing the basic periodic table elements is a must. You can color-code wherever necessary. You might already know that many chemicals in chemistry are identified with a color. Especially in the chapter- Qualitative analysis. Spend a good amount of time in practicing for Organic Chemistry. Previous year JEE papers and JEE Main answer key comparisons will hone your skills in chemistry.
    For Physics– Make sure you are able to visualize the various mechanisms, processes, etc. Note down the formulae, equations, etc. Note down their derivations as well.
    For Mathematics- Just as Physics, note down formulae, probably steps of solving too if required. From what we have noticed in the past, topics like Theory of Equations, Complex Numbers, Circles, and Definite Integration are quite simple as well as scoring. Hence, these topics must be revised well.
  6. Don’t write notes on loose sheets:You are going to have many topics from different subjects. And it will be a task to organize them if you write notes on sheets. Form a habit of labeling your notebooks and creating a clean index for topics. Visualization and organization should not be an issue in the time of need.
  7. Take running notes during the teachers teach you: Your teachers have taught the subjects for years and they know the highlight points, the concepts students miss, the concepts that are very important and shouldn’t be missed, the concepts that are essentially important enough to go in your notes. Take running JEE notes as your teacher teaches you. These are definitely going to come handy to you eventually.
  8. Lastly, you will find JEE Notes online: Yes, there are many portals that will give you readied handmade JEE notes. You will definitely find them useful. But, in our opinion, the note making activity is not just great for revision, it is actually great for learning itself. So the usage of JEE Notes comes full circle if you make them yourself. First of all, they will be personalized to you. And second, writing them is a part of your learning too.