
4 reasons why you need a recruitment specialist for your business

Estimated read time 3 min read

Majority of companies around the world use recruitment agencies to help them find the best candidate to fill a vacant position in their organization. The agency is tasked with the identification of professionals that may be hired on a permanent or temporary basis. In most cases, the agencies have a recruitment specialist on board that is able to use their expertise to shortlist and finally select a suitable candidate that will be presented to the company for final approval. These services are usually offered at a fee to cover the expenses involved in the recruitment process on behalf of a company or business.

For many businesses, the decision to hire a recruitment specialist to take care of their staffing needs may be due to a number of reasons unique to them. However, some of the reasons are considered to be universal because they apply to diverse business entities and can be relevant to you as well. If you are still wondering whether to partner with a recruitment specialist or not, here are some reasons why you should:

Cost effective


When hiring a new employee, you will need to factor in expenses such as salary, taxes as well as benefits that must be handled by your business. If you have to add extra expenses involved in their recruitment such as advertising costs and other activities tied to the selection of a good candidate, the overall costs go much higher. However, with a recruitment specialist the costs are subsidized to be able to meet your budget while still sourcing for a qualified professional for the position.

Saves time

According to the Candcsearch Recruitment agency – In most cases, seeking a suitable candidate for a position in your office will need commitment to a number of activities that result in the final selection.

Activities such as creation of job description and advertising; receiving and review of resumes; scheduling of interviews, take time a lot of time which in the long run reduce productivity of the office. Nevertheless, recruitment specialists have qualified candidates as part of their database that they only need to contact for an interview and soon present those that fit your requirements for final selection. Engaging their services also leaves time for other employees to focus on their work for the benefit of your business.

Qualified employees

For the benefit of their clients, recruitment specialists build up a list of candidates that they have screened for particular positions in any business. Therefore, they are able to quickly round up those that are qualified for the job position that needs to be filled within the shortest time possible. They also give you an opportunity to access their pool of qualified talent that will work well for you and increase the profit of the business over time.

Flexibility in hiring

If you run a small company that relies on temporary staff to achieve business goals, then a recruitment specialist can provide such staff within short notice. They have candidates that are seeking short term work and can quickly come in and adapt to the work environment thus allowing you to be flexible with your hiring choices.


Ways To Create An Interactive Classroom Experience

Estimated read time 3 min read

Often overlooked, the overall classroom environment plays a significant role in a student’s learning. While the traditional way of teaching may be convenient, it is good to go outside the box and provide students with new methods that will surely inspire them, give them a sense of belonging and enable them to connect with others. Creating interactive learning spaces helps them grasp further information quickly and retain more material.

Let’s take a look at some ways that will help you create an interactive classroom experience.

Use of Technology

Technology has become an essential part of our everyday lives. Even children, at a young age, are now comfortable in using technology. It’s a great thing to incorporate this to your teaching style to promote interaction and higher learning.

Teaching should no longer be a static activity.  You may utilize gadgets such as tablets, smartphones or even a Smartboard as alternative tools. You can play online videos, educational games or do video-conferencing to another class in another city to build interaction while helping them learn new information.

Have Comfortable Classrooms

Studies say that students learn faster and interact better when they feel comfortable.

Make sure to keep the classroom tidy and tackle any cleanliness issues immediately. To make them at ease, you may also include other elements such as displays of student artworks, plants, and pets that would make them feel somewhat at home.

wireless presentation solutions

Redesign the Learning Space Layout

Breakaway away from the usual classroom layout cause there are new ways to set up your classroom that is more fit to the 21st-century type of learning.

You can have the seats arranged like a boardroom. Have the desks face-to-face each other to let students see each other rather than having them facing you all the time. That way they’ll be more likely to engage with each other. See also to it that you have allotted space for recreational and project-based learning where students can move freely.

Utilize Differentiated Instruction

Shake up the traditional classroom experience and use a differentiated approach. In this way, you get to tailor-fit your teaching style to your student’s learning capability. Assess each student and put them in small workgroups that provide them the opportunity to learn from each other. Then, have them show what they learn in their own chosen ways.

This method steers away from the one-size-fits-all approach where one teaching format might not match everyone.

Seek Advice from Experts

We can all agree that learning is still, a complicated process. Therefore, it is great to collaborate with experts that have experience in wireless presentation solutions and can provide a scientific and cognitive approach in creating interactive learning spaces for your students.


Make it easier by trying new methods that are more interactive and can promote faster learning. Your students will find it more engaging when they get to learn in a variety of ways.


Gaining the edge over other students with your degree

Estimated read time 3 min read

Integrated degrees are gaining a foothold in India. But, what are they? Do they have an advantage over conventional degrees? This article decodes them and why they are a great option to pursue.

Education in India is becoming increasingly knowledge and industry-centric. Private and Government educational institutions and universities are doing their part to make students industry-ready, by designing courses that equip them to face jobs in the real world. One suchtrend is the rise of integrated degree courses.

In a nutshell, integrated degreecourses combine undergraduate and postgraduate programmes into a single four or five-year course. Integrated degree courses cover a wide spectrum of disciplines – right from engineering to humanities, and everything in between. Students can club together a course in engineering or architecture, with management studies. For instance, students need not spend four years securing a B.Tech or B.Arch degree, only to spend two more securing a Master’s in Business Administration (MBA).

After clearing the final examinations, students are given both qualifications by institutions. In fact, some courses are designed in a way that students can complete two years of their course in the institution they have enrolled in, and the remainder of the course in a foreign university.


The need for integrated degree courses

Integrated degree coursescame into being especially after engineers began to see a need for qualifications higher than just graduation. Sciences like humanities and architecture soon began to recognizethis requirement as well, and followed suit.

Students choosing integrated degree courses need not take their entrance tests twice. They don’t have to skip a year to prepare for a second entrance exam after their bachelor’s. This also means they don’t have to repeat the taxing admission process, much less scout for good colleges again.

However, integrated degree courses aren’t offered by a multitude of universities and colleges just as yet. Deciding to pursue an integrated degree early enough helps you prepare in advance, thereby increasing your chances in getting admission to the college of your choice. Some technicalinstitutes like IITs, and other engineering colleges and universities like NIIT University, offer integrated degree courses. Another huge advantage is that students with integrated degrees can move on to pursue their PhDs immediately.

Perhaps the biggest advantage of integrated degree courses is the competitive edge that one gains over their colleagues. With just an extra year of studying, students receive a Masters’ degree giving them a clear edge in terms of experience and qualification. They are also more valued by employers. If you are certain you want to dedicate yourprofessional life to a lucrative and respected career, then integrated degree courses will offer you the best of all worlds.