
8 Research Funding to the Horticultural Development

Estimated read time 2 min read

If you are looking for grants for your researches in the field of Horticulture, then Agricultural Research Development Agency (ARDA) could help you there. The ARDA is actively working to promote the researchers in the segment of Horticulture. It is to promote the horticultural industry as a world-level quality producer of horticultural yields. Follow the article to know more about the grants on the horticultural researches, its eligibility, and career.

Requirements for Research Funding

As a general requirement to get aid from the ARDA, one needs to be interested in the development of horticulture and should actively be working on the same in the past. ARDA launches different fellowship and research funding programs for the enthusiastic person of horticultural development. The research programs are specifically aimed to develop a zeel among all towards horticultural development. The only requirement to get the scholarship or grant is that you should be dedicated to developing the same.

Role of ARDA

The Agricultural Research Development Agency, or ARDA, is a federal organization that promotes and is regarded as a pioneer in yield potential development and operations. Minister of Agriculture and Cooperatives, Thailand oversees the project. To resolve issues and expand Thailand’s farming sectors. This year, an initiative to conduct studies following the institution’s experimental strategy. It is expected to be fascinating and vital in Thailand’s agricultural production. It is a strategy for increasing productivity via technology and development. The initiative will boost efficiency and will establish a positive financial base for agriculture.

Why Research Funding!

The research funding will boost the researchers to make more efforts, but it will also encourage the youth of Thailand to look at horticulture as a booming segment of earnings. It could be beneficial for all if efforts are made in the right direction, so the research funding is aimed to provide deep assistance to all the researchers. The biggest aim of the agricultural research funding is to become self-dependent and reduce the dependency on other nations for food items. It will not increase the growth of Thailand but also going to reduce the economical burden.


Become part of Thailand’s research funding program and aid your horticultural research with better monetary and knowledge assistance from Thailand’s best agricultural experts. Contribute to the countries growth and make yourself prosperous. Get grants for your researches irrespective of your age and educational qualifications, as ARDA have it for all.


A Helpful Guide To JC H2 Physics Tuition

Estimated read time 3 min read

Education is important for every individual. People have to be educated in order to become reflective, productive, and responsible citizens of the society which is only possible through education. Education is important for the overall and all round development of an individual. This is the reason why parents invest in their children’s education to secure their future and to prepare them for life as well. However, one cannot deny that many children find Physics a bit difficult probably because it involves you to solve some difficult problems. It also involves you to do a lot of experiments which may not be everyone’s cup of tea. Hence, taking jc h2 physics tuition can be helpful for those students who want to improve their knowledge about the subject and score more marks as well.

Despite being a difficult subject, studying Physics is extremely important because it allows you to have an insightful knowledge about everything behind the huge inventions and discoveries that have changed the world. It allows you to have knowledge about the functioning of various things such as the laws of gravity, force, energy, speed, time, movement of the pendulum, and more. There are many terms in physics and jargon that may fly above your head and this may be one of the reasons why one may find this a difficult subject. However, this cannot diminish the fact that it is an important subject and you have to study it.

Factors to consider

As is known and stated above that Physics is an important subject for various reasons but it may be difficult. However, you have a solution and that is to take jc h2 physics tuition that will help you to increase and improve your knowledge about Physics in an easy and comprehensive manner. Here are some things you need to keep in mind when you are choosing the tuition:-

  • Make sure you choose a tuition that has tutors who hold expertise in the field so that you can ask them questions and they can answer them to you without any hassle.
  • Ensure that the tutors are reliable and hold a good experience. Make sure you can ask them questions without any hesitation since you need to be able to clear your doubts to proceed further with the subject.

These are the things you have to remember when you are choosing a tutor for Physics. Hence, make sure you remember these tips.