
Learn at Your Own Pace with Virtual Online Tutoring Platforms

Estimated read time 3 min read

Online tutoring has evolved in recent years. It is popular for both students and professionals for the convenience it offers. Thanks to online tutoring platforms, one can learn at his or her own pace from the comforts of any place. Online tutoring platforms focus on the students individually. There is one-to-one interaction with the students, so it offers a more personalized experience that is absent in regular classroom sessions.

Reasons why virtual online tutoring platforms are popular today?

If you take a look at technology today, you will find it has completely changed the learning and teaching processes drastically. Students and professionals at all educational levels are able to seek the extra support and assistance they need in various subjects. Virtual online tutoring is not only effective, but it is highly convenient for students when it comes to learning from the comforts of any place to availability of the lessons all the time.

Virtual Online Tutoring

Boost academic excellence with online tutoring platforms

There are no time limits, and students get the opportunity to learn multiple times a day on the same topic. Unlike classroom sessions, they do not have to keep pace with their classmates and their teacher. Moreover, students can repeat lessons as much as they want in order to make their weak points strong. Tutors generally create lesson plans for their students so that they meet their learning needs, and the syllabus can be completed faster just before an examination.

Interactive tools help students get an enhanced learning platform

Technology is indeed a boom for students today. They are used to video chats, texting, and audio files. They are ready to test out new software apps, and this makes them highly adaptable to online learning platforms. The tools used in these platforms allow the student to learn in a fun and enjoyable way. Shared screens and detailed whiteboards help them enjoy their lessons more over conventional classroom teaching. They can easily share files and get instant feedback when it comes to testing performances.

Availability round-the-clock

Online learning platforms are available 24/7 for students. This is the biggest advantage of them. They can adjust their time-tables and get help promptly, even in the middle of a class. Unlike the classroom sessions, students do not have to wait for the availability of the teacher to discuss doubts or seek clarifications on ant topic for a subject. They are able to clear their confusion faster, which goes a long way in helping them prepare for their examinations without tensions.

Therefore, virtual online tutoring platforms help students understand their lessons better at their own pace and time when it comes to the academic performance of students. These platforms are affordable and compatible with mobile devices of all operating systems. Students are able to go back to the lessons they are weak in and consult their instructors via video chats on topics that need clarification. In short, students can enjoy their lessons and get better grades in all subjects over time!


Facts regarding o1 visa type

Estimated read time 3 min read

Need for immigration law firms are increasing rapidly with the increasing number of people who wish to migrate from their own country for various purposes like studying, working or to avail green card. By getting attracted towards any country’s culture, working environment, earning range climatic changes people want to live in that country. Likewise US country stands as the most pleasing one to its visitors. To spend some days in US you need to apply for visa. Here we are going to talk about getting o1 visa lecturer in case of working there as a lecturer. Getting lecturer offer in US country is not that much easy task. It requires more knowledge and high scores in your studies for to become a worker in abroad country.O1 and EB 1 visa are applied by people who are having job offer in US. Through some famous immigration lawyer in your country you can approach the consultant in US country to get approval of your visa application.

The US lawyer will ask you “what is the purpose of your visit”. In this case you must properly explain your need to visit there. In case of any job offer you need to submit your offer letter along with your qualifications and any other important documents that are asked by them. For o1 visa lecturer you need to pass the minimum needed criteria points asked by the immigration lawyer. There are 8 points asked by them in case of visa application of o1 type. Among those you need to satisfy minimum 3 to 4 points in order to get approval. Generally o1 visa type has many benefits associated with them. By acquiring this visa type to travel to Us you can enjoy the below benefits,

o1 visa lecturer

·         Working and living is allowed

·         You roam anywhere

·         Your family members are allowed with the help of o3 visa

·         In addition to working, you can study as part time

·         By living under o1 visa you can transfer to other visa types.

·         You can attain permanent resident power

Though the above are mentioned as benefits you can enjoy with o1 visa there are some limitations also. You cannot directly apply for permanent residency. You can work under the sponsorship of the job offer you have before immigrating. O1 visa is issued to the people with more skills under employment category. You can apply to this visa type in case of studying, business, working, athletics and science purpose. Though the benefits you get for all these categories are same; the criteria you need to pass will be different for all above categories. By fulfilling all requirements needed by US government you can migrate without any risk. Get support from famous immigration lawyers to clearly explain about the criteria and rules mentioned in the visa application.


Top 4 Agile Project Management Tools to Keep Your Projects on Track

Estimated read time 4 min read

Before we get into the topic we need to know what exactly project management is. So, I will go through it briefly. There are many ways to describe project management as it is a much diversified topic across industries.

Project management is the practice of analyzing resources in a unique and temporary endeavor to achieve a set of agreed objectives.

Or to put it in an even simpler way, project management helps companies to eliminate problems that are associated with the efforts in duplication, poor resource utilization, money wasted, and time wasted on lack and/or poor communication, and so on.

So the next question is who does this job? Well, as you can guess it’s the Project Manager. There are other articles on our website where we have focused completely on Project Management/manager as a carrier, roles, and responsibilities and how you can successfully achieve.

Here, in this blog, we mainly concentrate on tools that are mainly used by these project managers in their daily work routine to get their job done. To narrow it down further, we will be short listing the top four Agile Project Management tools that are very much essential, efficient and effective for project managers to get their work done.

Agile Project Management

Agile is the most in-demand Project Management methodologies that give a flexible approach to building the right product as per the client’s needs. Before listing the Agile tools, we need to know why is an agile project management tool is important?

Agile project management tools will help to track and organize the progress of the task. Here, we have given the list of most efficient agile tools. So, if you are confused about which one to choose or which is the best agile tool in the market, this blog is definitely for you.

Agile Tool #1: Proof Hub

This project management tool offers multiple project features less than one roof. It is very easy to understand where the user can edit information without starting all over again from the beginning which helps the teams to coordinate plans in a better way and ensure to finish the work within the provided deadlines.

Proof Hub Features List:

  • Assigned user roles
  • Online team discussions and chats, Gantt Charts
  • Reporting and tracking project history
  • Mobile and tablet compatibility
  • Advanced search and Secure file storage
  • Supports multiple languages
  • Customized file upload window
  • Time tracking, workflows, and boards

Agile Tool #2: Kanbanize

This is a professional project management tool comprised of features that helps users to optimize workflow and organize the work better by keeping track of all the projects. It breaks the project into multiple hierarchical levels of work items and offers unmatched transparency to improve the flow on the global level.

Kanbanize Feature List:

  • Agile timelines for flexible project planning
  • Different workflows on a single platform
  • Business rules to automate your process
  • Email integration to send and receive messages directly in Kanbanize
  • Time tracking
  • Analytics for supervising performance to identify room for improvement

Agile Tool #3: Wrike

Wrike is an agile project management tool that boosts information exchange among the different teams to manage the project efficiently. It is an award-winning online management platform which is enriched with easy integration features ideal for more significant organizations.

Wrike Features List:

  • Organized file management
  • Native mobile app
  • Collaborative editing
  • Easy time tracking
  • Visual timelines
  • Seamless communication
  • Resource Management
  • Customizable workflows
  • Reporting using real-time data

Agile Tool #4: Zoho Sprints

Zoho Sprints is a user-friendly, straightforward agile project management tool that is used by the people to manage their work with proper at most supervision. Users can create stories, estimation points, personalized Scrum boards, and schedule the meetings from one place.

Zoho Sprints Features List:

  • Billable & Nonbillable Hours Invoicing
  • Burndown and Burn up Chart
  • Cumulative Flow Diagram
  • Custom Status
  • Dashboard Overview
  • Drag-and-drop feature
  • Global Timer
  • One-Click Time Log Approval
  • Reminder Alerts
  • Sprint Activity

Now that you know the top four Agile Project Management tools, you can achieve those daily routines, goals; tasks etc. and impress your higher level management to secure yourself with an increment or a promotion.

All the information offered in this article is helpful, but wondering how to use it? Well, that’s why we are here to help you. Sprintzeal provides you with all the necessary training which are essential for a mid/senior level manager. With our expert trainers around, one can attain skills, certification and bag the attention of the higher-level management.


Benefits of joining your child in Maths tuition

Estimated read time 3 min read

Maths is one of the life skills that is needed by all of us to survive. It is a fact that individuals should be given good attention to this subject while they are small. And so, they will be able to shine better during their adulthood. Maths is the most important skill that everyone should need. But the thing is not everyone shows good terms with this subject.

There are children who may think maths as the toughest subject and some of them will start hating this one. Yes, it is true that maths is something different from any other subjects. But I will not tell it as the difficult one and in my opinion, it is the easiest subject. In which children will be able to score more marks and sometimes full marks too.

When children lack their observation in maths, they will lose their love with this subject. One cannot memorize maths just like other subjects and only the formulae can be got by heart. Since the foundation should be strong enough for mathematics, when a child does well with the problems in this subject, he can become a great person in future.

 mathematics tuition Singapore.

Since almost all of the competitive exams are based on the maths subject, he or she will be able to qualify every entrance exam. There are children who do well in maths and also there are people who lack their knowledge in this subject. Though all students are taught the same thing by their teachers at their schools, only a few of them can understand those things.

You would have across that some of the children are well-worst in all other subjects except maths, in which they will score only the border marks. Because of their lack of knowledge in mathematics, your child would have lost their grades too. So, all you need to do is increasing their observation skills and interest towards the subject.

Since in schools, bulk number of students is being taught by a few teachers, they cannot handle and everyone. They will not be able to pay attention to all of the students and so the students cannot do well in this subject. So, when your child is one among them who takes lesser marks only in this subject, there is a way to improve his or her score.

To make your children score more in maths, you can make use of mathematics tuition Singapore. Here, there are well proficient teachers who have the ability to take care of students in an excellent way. When you enclose your kids here, you can definitely see some improvements in the maths score. So, you can make your children to become an efficient one in this subject.


Tips To Choose The Right POA Tutor For You

Estimated read time 3 min read

Are you studying the Principle of Accounts (POA)? Well, if so, you should remember that this isn’t an easy subject. The subject involves complicated concepts of how accounting functions on a bigger scale and how it can be used in our daily lives other than the bank work. If a poa tutor wanted, then here are a few essential things that you need to consider before hiring one. What do these include? We have made a list of some points and they are as mentioned below.

What are the tips to take into account before choosing a POA tutor for yourself?

Helps in simplifying the concepts: a good POA tutor will be able to breakdown all the complicated concepts involved in POA. If you intend on just reading the notes time and again, then you will still not be able to understand these concepts. You have to be able to understand all the reasons behind the concepts that are highlighted. So, only an experienced and good tutor will be able to help you out with these concepts by simplifying it for you. This process might be slow, but the students will be able to grasp everything without much hassle.

Your preference: when you are looking out for a good tutor, it is important to consider your preference. Some students might be searching for a younger teacher with whom they can be comfortable, while others might be looking out for a well-experienced tutor. Also, you should remember that tutors will have their methods through which they will convey the message to their students. Thus, bear in mind that you should read the tutor’s profile and personal statements before making your final choice.

poa tutor wanted


Tuition fees: not everyone can afford expensive tuition fees due to their tight budget. But this doesn’t mean that all the tutors are highly-priced. There are different tutors available these days, and their prices will also vary. So, you can do some research before actually deciding to hire one. Check out some good POA tutors available in your area and see who offers the best service at an affordable price. Also, the quality of tuition will depend on the type of tutor you hire for your needs.

Before you start looking out for tuitions, you must get some recommendations from your friends or family who have dealt with a POA tutor earlier. Finding the right tutor will benefit you to a great extent as you can excel in the subject without too many difficulties. So, look carefully into these essential factors before you make your final call on hiring a tutor for your POA needs. Also, compare the services of multiple tutors that seem convenient to you; in this way, you will know what can be a great option for you.


PLAY Preschool – Simple Tips to Teach the Alphabet to Your Preschooler

Estimated read time 3 min read

Your baby has grown up fast, and now it is time for him or her to attend pre-school. This is where you, as a parent, should step in to teach your little toddler the alphabet in a fun and interactive way.  Now, for most young children learning the alphabet can really be an easy task; however, for others, it can be a struggle, and you need lots of patience, time, and practice.

Expert advice from teachers of PLAY Pre-school

PLAY Preschool is a credible, esteemed, and trustworthy educational institution for preschoolers in the USA. The teachers here are known for their excellent teaching approaches when it comes to managing young toddlers in small groups. The experts here say that most parents often find teaching the letters of the alphabet a mammoth task for their kids. Young children have very short attention spans, and this can be challenging if you are a busy mom or dad. There is no point in getting angry with your child and scolding him or her for not picking up the alphabet fast. There are certain techniques you can embrace when it comes to helping your child remember all the letters of the alphabet and making your learning sessions together with an enjoyable affair-

PLAY Preschool

Use sand-writing trays

Kids love toys and so hop down to the market to find a good sand writing tray for your little one. Both of you can use this tray and start to learn and practice the letters of the alphabet together. These educational toys come with letter coins. Here your child chooses any letter coin and practices writing it on the tray. It is an enjoyable experience for both of you and a good break from opening picture books and making your kid learn all the letters by heart.

Motor dot books

There are motor dot books available in the market where your child just needs to connect the dots to get the letter. Most of these books also have a picture of a word that begins with that letter. The learning process here not only helps your child learn the different letters of the alphabet but also practice writing.

Alphabet kits

These kits have cards with a letter on them. They can be used for enjoyably teaching your child the alphabet. There are several different kits available in the market, and you can choose the one that you believe your child will like.

The teachers at PLAY Preschool state that with hands-on educational kits and toys, kids pick up the alphabet faster. In this way, they can enjoy playtime with you and learn the letters quickly. Moreover, both of you can spend some quality time together daily, and this does go the extra mile when it comes to establishing your parent and child bonds. With the help of these educational toys and kits, your child will retain the letters of the alphabet, and the chances of forgetting them while in the classroom with their friends are reduced with success!