
How CBCA Certifications Helps You Advance Blockchain Career

Estimated read time 3 min read

Blockchain technology is set to drive through 2020 as industry leaders are keen on its adoption.

As per the LinkedIn survey, blockchain is the top hard skill for today’s job seekers and blockchain developer is the top emerging job. To seek entry into this most-coveted job, a certification would help you gain a competitive advantage in the job market. Mention not to say, the recruiters will chase you, if you have skills in blockchain technology.

To earn certifications in blockchain technology, the Central Blockchain Council of America (CBCA) is a great place to start.

Get to know these premium blockchain certifications that are recognized globally.

Globally Recognized Blockchain certifications

The certifications provided by the Central Blockchain Council of America are meant for organizations and professionals as well.

CBCA-BITS for Blockchain Organizations

The Blockchain Innovation and Technology Standards (BITS) introduces the systemic, procedural, and managerial norms necessary for tech companies that handle blockchain. It enables the organization to depict an optimal internal value-chain necessary for strategy implementation, departmental and team organization, and blockchain project operations.

Likewise, CBCA provides certifications for aspiring professionals who want to establish their careers in the blockchain industry. They are as briefed below.

Certifications for Professionals

CBCA offers three main certifications for aspiring professionals. They are:


Business Blockchain Professional (BBP)

The BBPTM certification enables the professional to assist the organization while taking blockchain initiatives, implementing strategies, and programs for vendors. The program introduces blockchain concepts and its impact on the organization that adopts blockchain. In brief, it covers all the business aspects of a company that is interested in adopting blockchain.

By earning the certification, you would get well-versed in:

  • Basics of blockchain concepts
  • Blockchain architecture
  • Decentralization
  • Cryptography
  • Bitcoin essentials
  • Altcoins
  • Advanced blockchain
  • Cryptocurrency wallets
  • Hyperledger
  • Ethereum
  • Solidity
  • Smart contracts
  • Decentralized Apps
  • Mining
  • Leveraging blockchain in business
  • Business blockchain use-cases
  • Manage a business blockchain project
  • Challenges of blockchain
  • Future of blockchain
  • And more.
Certified Blockchain Engineer (CBE)

The CBE™ program enables you to useblockchain technology for business benefits. aYoucan develop blockchain applications for multiple platforms including Ethereum, Hyperledger, IOTA, Hydrachain, Stratis, OpenChain, Lisk, etc.

The certification helps to gain knowledge on these blockchain topics. They are:

  • Basics and History of Blockchain
  • Blockchain concepts
  • Consensus mechanism
  • Decentralization
  • Symmetric and public cryptography
  • Bitcoinessentials
  • Altcoins
  • Ethereum-basics and advanced
  • Smart contracts
  • Tools and framework
  • Web3 API
  • Hyperledger
  • Blockchain variants and applications
  • Blockchain challenges
  • Future of blockchain
  • Notable projects
  • And more
Global Blockchain Leader (GBL)

The GBLTM program is valuable for blockchain leaders. It covers all the essential aspects of blockchain and helps you address the essentials in the blockchain space. You will be in a position to choose methodologies necessary for enterprise adoption, strategize, implement and govern blockchain in your select industry. Moreover, you can address the practical and governance challenges that your industry may face while adopting blockchain.

Wrapping Up

As we are stepping into the industry 4.0, it is necessary for you to think of a career in industry 4.0 technologies. A career in blockchain, one of the most popular industrial revolution 4.0 technologieswould help you stay on trend. A blockchain certification would add colors to your career and shine in this decade.


Choosing a Sociology Dissertation Topic: Possible Pitfalls and Opportunities to Win

Estimated read time 3 min read

For every graduate student, a time comes for choosing a dissertation topic. This moment is paramount to your success as a student, a potential researcher, and for career advancement. It is, in fact, the crowning achievement in graduate education and influences careers for many years after graduation. Many students dread this moment for various reasons. However, according to essay writing services UK, this step is essential, but it does not have to be difficult; especially when you have the necessary information from the beginning. This article will explain the process, tips, how to avoid possible pitfalls and the opportunities to win at the end of it all.

dissertation topic

Topic Suggestion from Course Advisors/Professors

Most dissertation topics begin with suggestions from course advisors and professors. Some course advisors from various universities and research institutions give their students up to three topics for their dissertations. This is usually a kind gesture that gives students a great deal of help. The advisors have a better view and understanding of the area of study and industry and will, most of the time, already have the material for these topics. In addition to that, they have a rough idea of how long the research will take to complete. Besides, they will be willing to work with you closely. However, professional dissertation writers suggest that students must be careful when considering topics from advisors. Remember some professors are busy with various philosophical commitments and responsibilities. On the other hand, others prefer to limit the interaction with students, which poses a reluctance to work with you. Therefore, it is essential that you do not end up in such a pitfall without help with a topic you barely understand.


It is necessary that you remember that a thesis is an idea or a theory expressed as an academic statement for which evidence is provided and discussed logically using past studies in the same field. Therefore, it is requisite that you consider the current situations of the field of your dissertation. This will ensure that your research remains relevant in future based on the present and future industry demands. The topic should be interesting to you, the research advisor and the research community as well. It is critical when researching a dissertation topic that the research to be written should try to solve an existing problem. Besides, it has to be backed with other past studies in the same field. A dissertation that connects the existing research, a real problem and possible solutions is an opportunity to win for graduate students.

Push the envelope

Research topics should never be repeated unless you are improving on an existing research to correct the flaws and introduce a different perspective to the problem statement. However, this is not usually advised. Make sure that you push the envelope by coming up with an entirely new data set. Coursework writers advise that for a sociology dissertation topic to set your research apart, it should be different from the rest and must contain an exciting touch to it. Consider your research to be relevant to your field and usable by future researchers to shape other topics.

A topic for your research is crucial since it shapes the professional career path you will take after graduation. Besides that, a dissertation will be the basis for future considerations when seeking employment. The weight of choosing a dissertation topic can indeed be overwhelming; although, as seen above, it can be accomplished, especially with proper guidance and review from qualified mentors.


Exquisite contraption with regular transformation of science

Estimated read time 3 min read

With the passing of time technology is growing to touch the sky. Today’s population is growing with the growth of time. Science has become the life of the population. Without this single step in the regular life is getting hard. Especially today’s youth are obsessed with science, technology and entertainment. Everywhere in school, colleges, offices as well as in residence science is applied 24hrs X 7 days for the easy lifestyle. Among this one of the best invention by a world class company named as MEGA LED technology has been done and the finest invention is electronic signs for schools which is going to create a new picture of the school and new world for school students.

Among all the electronic signs LED signboard is one of the finest inventions and its best features are as follows.

led school sign

  • LED monitors cannot interfere as quickly as block letter signs. Regular alteration of messages and notice can be followed. So there will be a regular availability of content without much hard work. Just sometimes is required to input the information which can be done through typing on a desktop.
  • No time is required to prepare for a notice and print it on paper and display on display board. Just need to type in the context box and automatically it will be updated on the screen. So a student can get the instant notice within no time.
  • And the text size can be selected by the person typing the text. So minimum 70% of the public can see the notice. So it cannot be ignored or lost.

So this electronic signs for schools are helping a lot to the student for getting all required information within a limit of time. And credit of all these advantages is going to be given to the most prominent company who is deserving all this credits and appreciations. This company is a leading creator of this wonderful gadget in this world of LED technology.

The materials and features for the construction this contraption are

  • Control system that is resistant to all the bad and adverse effect. It is present in solid state having high performance and is immersed with Linux controller for more sturdy and authentic representation.
  • Sensor related to temperature and climate is loaded in this apparatus so that it can read the live status regarding the environment. It has an auto dimming capability during the period it is not used.
  • To control the internal temperature of the machine exhaust fan is provided. Its main function is to control the inner temperature thermostatically and help the apparatus to work properly.
  • The power supply section of it is covered with conformal which is acted as the protective coating on the power supply and it saves the machine from condensation and breakdown and rises the life of the supply by 25%.
  • Top LED modules are uses to undergo maximum brightness, visual colours, longevity and stability and it is having 3/16” thick still angle for the protection of LED from external interruption and easy installation.
  • Waterproof plugs are provided to run the device during any weather without the thought of its protection. Because it is already protected by lots of best materials.

The best part of this device is the cheap price and best services of energy saving which is making it the best device in this LED technology. The device is totally energy saving and it has a character of saving energy as much as possible.